Genshin Impact: Should you Pull for Cyno, Venti, Nilou, or Albedo?

Genshin Impact: Should you Pull for Cyno, Venti, Nilou, or Albedo?

Genshin Impact: Should you Pull

Welcome to our “Should you Pull” series, where we go over the pros and cons of the characters coming to the limited banner. We will be doing this with every update to give you insight on how to efficient use those primogems.

As usual, these evaluations are considering the “meta” of the game. If you enjoy a characters, aesthetic, gameplay, story, or anything else, you should wish for them because of those reasons as well.

Ultimately, the decision to wish for a character is up to you. I’ll simply be giving my thoughts on a perspective of what will be most beneficial for your account. If you can already beat the abyss, you should simply wish for whoever you want regardless of if they’re strong or not.

Version 3.1 Should you pull for Cyno, Venti, Nilou, or Albedo?

The Sumeru update has added a lot of enjoyable content to the game, and Version 3.1 is continuing along that vein. 2 new characters are coming out along with reruns of Venti and Albedo.

Without further ado, let’s dig into the Version 3.1 banners.

Version 3.1 Banners Part 1


Genshin Impact 3.1 Cyno Banner

Cyno is the brand new featured character releasing in Version 3.1. He is an Electro Polearm user from Sumeru, and will be running alongside Venti. As of writing this article, the expectation for Cyno’s damage and teams are quite subpar.

Cyno is an on field damage dealer, who will deal a lot of Electro damage, but his numbers have yet to be extremely impressive. The teams that he can be a part of also don’t need Cyno and can use other units as well.

Grade 2/5

Overall, you should simply pull for Cyno if you like him. He is a fun Electro unit with beautiful animations and design.

While Cyno might not break the meta or anything, he is still a 5-star character that can definitely clear content with the right investment. We simply don’t recommend wishing as there are much stronger options out there.


Genshin Impact 3.1 Venti Banner

Venti is a bit of an interesting case. If you want to read up on Venti, you can check out our Venti Character Guide.

What makes Venti invaluable in some situations is his Elemental Burst that sucks up light enemies. In the right domains or challenges, Venti makes the game a cakewalk. In content against heavy enemies, however, Venti, only becomes a decent Anemo support.

Even still, Anemo supports are very powerful, but in some content, you would rather use Kazuha or Sucrose.

Grade: 4/5

While Venti is not a must have for any account, simply having him allows you to breeze past content where Venti is king. If you already have supports like Kazuha and Sucrose, you can definitely pass on Venti, but Venti will always have a place in the game to suck up light enemies.

Cyno and Venti Banner 4-Stars

In the first half of Version 3.1 the featured 4 stars are Candace, Sayu, and Kuki Shinobu.

  • Candace is a new Hydro 4-star, and she is arguably one of the worst 4-stars that has been released in a while. She has some niche interactions, but provides less value than many other 4-star characters.
  • Sayu is another niche Anemo support that sees very little play.
  • Kuki is the saving grace of this banner. Kuki is a great Electro Healer that can fit on both Aggravate and Hyperbloom teams.

4-Stars Banner Grade: 2/5

Candace and Sayu see very little play on teams as they simply don’t provide enough, or what they do provide is too niche. Kuki saves the banner a little bit by being a strong 4-star Electro healer. If you plan on pulling on this banner, don’t expect good things from the 4-star characters.

Version 3.1 Banners Part 2

Genshin Impact Nilou Banner 3.1


At the time of writing this article, we don’t know how strong Nilou will be. Being a Hydro character usually is a good sign, as Hydro units almost always perform well, but we don’t know for sure.

Grade ?/5


Genshin Impact Albedo Banner 3.1

Albedo is one of the earlier characters released in Genshin, but he still has a decent place in the meta overall. Albedo is a great support for Geo DPS units like Itto or Noelle. Albedo can also be run alongside Zhongli as a sort of Geo duo that is flexible on many teams.

Grade 2.5/5

Albedo might not be what you need on your account, but there are definitely players out there that would love to have Albedo. Specifically, Itto or Noelle players. Geo characters somewhat operate on their own terms and care less about the many reactions in the game. If that suits your style, you should go for Albedo and other Geo characters.

Nilou and Albedo 4 Stars

For the second half of 3.1, the featured 4-stars will be Xiangling, Beidou, and Barbara.

  • Xiangling is one of the best 4-star characters in the game, but you get a free copy from the Spiral Abyss. Getting Constellations is always nice, but is not necessarily a priority.
  • Beidou is another strong 4-star character, and she shines in a lot of Electrocharged teams.
  • Barbara is the weakest 4-star on the banner. While she can be used in some scenarios, there are almost always better options in the 4-star and 5-star roster.

4-Stars Banner Grade: 3/5

Overall, the 4-stars on this banner are solid, but wishing for 4-stars is always risky. Just think of Xiangling and Beidou as nice bonuses if you already want Nilou or Albedo. Barbara unfortunately would feel somewhat bad to hit on your wishes.


Version 3.1 Banners are stocked with solid 5-stars to choose from.

Cyno, while not amazing, is still a solid On-Field Damage character. Venti is a fan favorite and will always have a place in the meta. Nilou is uncertain, but as a Hydro character, she should be decent at minimum. Lastly there is Albedo, which is a solid pickup for any account, and an amazing pickup for the right accounts.

You could honestly wish on any of these banners and you likely won’t regret it too much.

Depending on your account, you should decide if any of these characters are worth pulling for. If none of them are absolutely necessary, though, I would recommend saving for the next banner which will have the Dendro Archon.