The 5 Most Overpowered Comps in TFT History

The 5 Most Overpowered Comps in TFT History

The 5 Most OP Comps in TFT History

TFT has been around for over 2 years now which is crazy to think about. It feels like yesterday I was playing Set 1 and climbing the ladder for the first time.

However, along with fond memories of high rolling games came salty memories of getting destroyed by overpowered comps.

The game has definitely had its fair share of overpowered comps. Even though I’ve played and maybe even spammed some of these comps, there were some that I avoided for “honorable” reasons.

If you’ve been around for the whole time like me, these comps will be a nostalgic little reminder.

If you haven’t been around for TFT’s history, here’s a little history lesson on what I think are the 5 most overpowered comps in TFT history.

5: Void Sorcerers (Set 1)

TFT Void Sorcerers

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You know this comp is old when there’s only 3 rows of hexes on the board. This comp was one of the most broken comps in early Set 1.

To the average viewer, this comp looks like a simple Ability Power carry comp with Karthus. You have a frontline with Brawlers, some Sorcerers, and a carry. If you were there, you would know that Karthus was way too strong at first.

Ability Power carries nowadays have limits to their Ability. Karma is sustainable damage, Vel’Koz fires in a beam, but Kathus, Karthus nuked every single enemy regardless of where they were. If you got this comp with Karthus 2, you likely blew up every single enemy with one Karthus ability.

The nerfs would come to this comp in Set 1, but the LP was already gained by that point.

4: Kai’Sa Brawlers (Set 1)

TFT Kai'Sa Brawlers

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Set 1 Kai’Sa was a unit. She had peel with her Ability, Quicksilver was way more broken in Set 1, and Void allowed her to deal true damage.

If you watched streamers try to hit Challenger before the end of Set 1, you would see a lot of them forcing this comp. What made this comp even better was that you could run Jinx, a 4-cost carry, before you found Kai’Sa. The comp would stay almost the same, and you could still finish top 4 without finding Kai’Sa.

But, if you found Kai’Sa, you would likely finish 1st. The damage was insane, you couldn’t reach her since she would dart around the map, and the longer the fight went on, the more she scaled her attack speed. She was basically an unkillable carry.

3: Gangplank (Set 3)

TFT Space Pirates

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By now you’ve probable noticed a pattern that most of the overpowered comps contain a 5-cost carry. Gangplank in Set 3 is no exception. We saw some of the competitors at the Set 3 Worlds tournament force Space Pirates in an attempt to go 1st or 8th.

If you found Gangplank, it was an easy 1st. If you didn’t, you would likely go 8th after hard forcing. You can argue that this makes Gangplank not overpowered. The risky game plan was the balancing mechanic for this comp.

Even still, you could play Gangplank in a comp that didn’t force Space Pirates and had more consistency. While you wouldn’t guarantee a 1st, this comp was also very strong and only adds to Gangplanks stock.

TFT Mech Pilot Gangplank

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This version of Mech-Pilots used Gangplank as a secondary carry alongside Mech-Pilots and Viktor. The Demolitionist trait along with having a huge AoE made him a force of nature.

2: Sum Sins / Electric Zed (Set 2)

TFT Sum Sins

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Set 2 is not remembered too much by many. It had stand out comps like Volibear, Shadow, Inferno, etc, but Zed was on a whole other level. Sum Sins was the first iteration of a comp that simply ran the best units in the game. Each of these units provided so much utility and damage to the team, and you can itemize many different units.

Kha’Zix was a great damage carry, Qiyana also did great as a 3-cost unit, each of the Summoners were very strong, and you even had room for Mystic with Nami and Janna.

Zed also allowed this comp to become extremely difficult to deal with by having him multiply over and over until the entire board was filled with Zed. It may not have been fun to play against, but it was definitely fun to watch.

TFT Electric Zed

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Sum Sins would eventually be nerfed, but the end of Set 2 brought a different Zed to the table. Electric was buffed quite heavily toward the end, and this made Zed into a different monster. Electric allowed Zed to provide extreme amounts of damage, so the only thing that mattered was keeping him alive.

Electric was even good in the mid game with units like Volibear to stabilize, allowing you to eco up and save up for Zed.

Not many people played the end of Set 2, but this comp was overpowered for the short time it was alive before Set 3 came out.

1: Void Sins (Set 1)

TFT Void Sins

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5-Cost carries are great and all, but Kassadin was truly built different. Back in the day, you open forted for a Spatula, hyper rolled for Kassadin, and could then win streak your way to 1st.

He did insane amounts of damage, did true damage, was fairly safe as an Assassin, and just breezed through enemy units regardless of their tankiness.

This comp in my opinion, is the most iconic team comp in all of TFT. It showed the ingenuity of player strategy by abusing certain game mechanics. Was it healthy for the game? Definitely not. Was it nerfed pretty quickly? Somewhat. Is the memory of Kassadin one shotting my units burned into my memory? Yes.

Closing Thoughts

Most of the comps I included in here are from Sets 1-3. While the newer sets definitely had it’s fair share of OP comps, the devs usually deal with it quite quickly. Sets 1 and 2 were quite the rollercoaster ride at the time. Even still, these overpowered comps brought up some of the most fun moments in TFT history.

While these comps were not healthy for the game on a competitive standpoint, I do think that these comps provided high quality entertainment for players. The TFT team has been balancing these ideas of entertainment and balance for their newer sets, and I like to think they’ve done a much better job. (Outside of some instances like Warweek or Kayle Stall).

There are definitely other team comps that didn’t make my list, but these are just my opinions. There are definitely arguments to be made about what comp should be on the list and what shouldn’t, but these 5 are some of the most iconic to me.

Thanks for reading! Head to our Team Builder to start theorycrafting and be sure to check our best meta comps to find another answer to climb!

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