LoR Mobalytics Guide: Advanced Filters, Archetypes, and Mulligans

LoR Mobalytics Guide: Advanced Filters, Archetypes, and Mulligans

Brand New Plus Features for LoR Have Arrived!

Hey everyone! We’ve officially launched our latest batch of tools for Legends of Runeterra.

Here are the new features we’ve launched and their locations in our LoR site:

  • Advanced Filters (Meta Stats)
  • Deck Archetypes (Meta Stats)
  • Mulligan Guide (Meta Stats)
  • Mass Deletion (Deck Library)

They are all part of Mobalytics Plus (formerly known as Premium) so if you’re already a subscriber you can use them now. If not, no worries! You can try them for free with a 7-day trial.

[See new LoR features]

As always for all our features, our goal is to continually improve them over time, so let us know what you’d like to see from them in the future!

New Meta Stats Features

Advanced Filters

One of the main goals of our Meta Stats feature was to equip players with the ability to explore the meta for themselves and according to their own needs.

In its initial launch version, the feature allowed you to find decks by region combinations, champions, decks (region + champ), and specific cards.

Although these provided a lot of options for exploring decks, we wanted to give you even more granularity and control in isolating what you want to find.

Our new Advanced Filters will now allow you to filter by:

  • Global Region (Americas, Europe, Asia, South East Asia)
  • Rank (Iron to Master)
  • Timeframe (Last day, last 3 days, last 7 days)

These filters have been highly requested from our community throughout the year so we hope we delivered.

mf gp archetype

Global Regions

Just like any other competitive game, the meta can vary quite a bit based on the region you play in. This was a big reason why we purposely have experts from different places curate our tier list (Swim being from NA and Alan representing EU).

advanced filters location

Now, you’ll be able to explore decks from around the world more precisely and you’ll be able to only isolate for your particular region’s meta if you’d like to.


Within locations, you can find even more variation based on the ranked tier you’re playing in. The Ranked filters aim to help you find the best performing decks for your specific ranked tier as you climb.

advanced filters rank

You’ll have a better idea of what you’ll be facing and help you prepare the right counters and techs. For example, at lower ranks until Plat/Diamond, you’ll see a lot more aggro since players don’t have as big of a collection and want to climb faster.

As you climb higher, you may find more experienced players that are playing decks that counter those aggro decks.


The third Advanced Filter is Timeframe, which allows you to focus your results by the last day, the last 3 days, or the last week.

advanced filters timeframe

This filter is useful for helping you evaluate how the meta is changing in the short term vs understanding a longer period of time/substantial sample size. The bigger the sample size, the more likely a deck is to be reflective of its true win rate.

By sorting by newer decks, you can find potential future contenders that haven’t gathered enough games played yet to be fully validated by stats, but you can place your bets on some promising options to stay ahead of the curve.

Deck Archetypes

Although the current iteration of the Meta Stats could certainly help you find a lot of decks, it could sometimes hit the mark when players were looking for specific decks.

For example, many decks are known by signature names like “Pirate Aggro” or “Hyper Aggro Endure”. Although you could search by the appropriate regions and champions, you could have trouble pinpointing the exact decklist.

meta archetypes list

Another issue was that it could be difficult to find specific decks when a region combination had multiple viable archetypes, for example, Hyper Aggro Endure and Warmother are both potent Freljord + Shadow Isles decks but have opposite speeds.

Within deck archetypes, you’ll be able to find:

  • Decklists (by Popular or Best)
  • Stats (win rate, play rate, matches played)
  • Best/worst matchups (regions, champs, win rate, play rate, matches played)
  • Best players (by rank and number of matches played)

We think that this feature will not only be useful for players trying to optimize their ladder climb, but also for players who are preparing their tournament lineups since they can have a better read on which decks to bring to counter the popular options out there.

Mulligans Guide

NOTE: Mulligan Stats for Drawn WR, Played WR, Turn Played, and Turns Held will be populated soon! Just need a few days to collect data from the new patch.

Similar to making the most of the champ select phase in League of Legends, understanding how to maximize your mulligan in LoR can help make your life much easier when you’re facing different matchups.

lulu demacia mulligans guide

We wanted to create a tool that really equipped you to make the most of your mulligan phase no matter the deck you were playing or against.

Our Mulligan Guide provides stats on:

  • Mulligan WR (Avg win rate when card was in opening hand)
  • Kept WR (% of time that card was chosen to be kept in opening hand)
  • Drawn WR (Avg win rate when card was in hand at any point)
  • Played WR (Avg win rate when card was played at any point)
  • Turns Held (Avg number of turns card was held in hand)
  • Turn Played (Avg turn the card was played on)

In general, you can use the Mulligan guide in general to understand how to play a deck but you can also use it every game to check a specific matchup so that you can understand the best way to mulligan AGAINST the deck you’re playing against.

This will allow you to optimize your timings and help increase the likelihood of having the right cards at the right time.

New Deck Library Feature

Mass Deletion

Last but not least, we have the Mass Delete Button! This is for you theorycrafting fanatics out there! Now, you’ll be able to instantly wipe all the decks in your collection to start anew between set releases.

mass delete buttonThis quality of life feature was surprisingly requested quite often from our community so sorry for the delay!

So what are you waiting for?

As we mentioned earlier, if you’ve had Mobalytics Plus (formerly known as Premium), all of these tools are available now! If you don’t no worries, you can try them for free for a full week.

By subscribing, you’ll also get access to our tools for LoL and TFT so it’s a great value if you love Riot Games.

Let us know in the comments below what else you’d like to see us add to our LoR site. See you next time!