Breeze: Valorant Map Guide (Overview, Team Comp Recommendations, and Tips)

Breeze: Valorant Map Guide (Overview, Team Comp Recommendations, and Tips)

Breeze Map Guide

We’ve got a brand new Valorant map, Breeze, coming out much earlier than universally expected!

The community’s first impressions and the vibes on the map itself are essentially the opposite to the previous addition to the map pool, Icebox.

Players immediately fell in love with Breeze and its setting after seeing the first leaked screenshots of the map last week.

Breeze is a tropical paradise in the middle of the ocean. Along with seaside caves and historic ruins, washed ashore garbage and stranded ships form the foundation of a little civilization on the island.

The map is one of the biggest if not the biggest map in Valorant so far and offers many angles for Operator players especially due to the great distances.

Breeze new map image

The unique feature of Breeze is a chute which you can use to quickly get into the Mid area. Although this feature will probably not have much of an impact on the way the map is going to be played, it could lead to interesting outplays.

Today, we are taking a closer look at the main characteristics of the new map Breeze and what agents are probably going to be the most and least useful ones on it.

As always, have fun reading and hopefully, you can learn something useful here!

The General Layout

Breeze has two Spike plant sites, just like Bind, Split, Ascent and Icebox.

In between sites A and B is a traditional Mid area located which can lead to both sites from behind or the flanks.

At least partial control over Mid will be crucial for both teams since attackers can only enter the bombsite through one single entrance in case they don’t have the needed Mid control.

Valorant Breeze temporary map

As we already mentioned earlier, Breeze is one of the largest maps if not the largest one overall.

This circumstance means that Operators will be incredibly powerful for holding specific long-range angles or getting entry frags.

It will be very important to effectively counter these Operator peeks and to push back the respective players to gain map control.

We’ll take a closer look at how this affects the agent picks on Breeze in a later section in this article.

But first and foremost, here’s a quick summary of the main characteristics of Breeze to keep in mind:

Main Characteristics

  • Operator map due to many long-distance fights
    Mid control is crucial
  • Very spacious areas with little close-quarters combat
  • Dividing open areas to manageable sizes with your utility is indispensable
  • Quick encounters all over the map due to the Spawn Barrier positioning

Of course, there are a lot more factors to keep in mind when playing Breeze and additionally the meta will shift over time.

Nevertheless, this should give you a heads-up on what to look for when coordinating your team on this fresh map.

Areas and Orbs

A Site

The A site is very interesting in various ways: Besides many boxes and stone piles to take cover behind there are also two pyramids in the center of the site.

Valorant Breeze map two pyramids A Site

This image along with others below are from the official Valorant maps page.

Playing around those can create very awkward angles that are hard to expect and adjust your crosshair placement to.

Since there are so many different angles and positions from where defenders can hold the site, you basically are forced to rule out a few of these with utility.

Valorant Breeze map two pyramids alternate angle A Site

A Recon Bolt from Siva is destined to do that for example. But also all kinds of incendiaries and nades can be thrown to limit the number of possible positions for defenders.

B Site

Breeze’s B site on the other hand is built remarkably differently.

Valorant Breeze B site pillar

Although the site itself is also a relatively open space, there are not as many boxes to hide behind. Only a few old overgrown ruins and a huge stone pillar in the middle of the site offer sufficient cover.

Valorant Breeze B site pillar alternate angle

Basically, all fights that are going to go down on B site will be either mid or long-distance ones. Therefore, Operators and Vandals are the most likely weapon purchases to be seen here.

Mid Area

I personally think it is safe to say that the Mid area of Breeze is the key factor for loss or win. Whoever masters to consistently keep control over Mid for the majority of the round will have a great chance of winning the round.

Valorant Breeze Mid Area

Attackers need it to properly execute onto the sites and defenders have to hinder the enemies from taking extensive Mid control to increase their own chances to win.

Valorant Breeze Mid area alternate angle

In contrast to Icebox Ranked games, in which you either rush A or B almost every round, Breeze is going to go more in line with Ascent’s style of play.


To be honest, both of Breeze’s Ultimate Orbs seem to be easier available for attackers.

Picking up the B orb only costs attackers a smoke or some kind of vision blocker and the A orb is also placed in attackers territory.

Valorant Breeze orbs

If defenders really wanted to get one of the Orbs, the expenditure and risk would be immense in comparison.

Recommended Agent Selection

Now, let’s take a look at which agents are going to be arguably good and which bad picks for Breeze.

For that, we discussed the potential use cases and strengths of each agent based on the map’s features internally. This resulted in a very own Agent Tier List for the map Breeze.

Valorant Breeze Map Tier List

  • Killjoy and Brimstone both were demoted into B Tier due to the range limit their abilities have:
    • Killjoy’s Ult neither manages to cover the A nor the B site in its entirety
    • Due to the size of the map, Killjoy’s utility is easily deactivated due to her not being in range
    • Brimstone’s smokes suffer from the same range limitation problem which makes him very inflexible in=game
  • Viper and Jett are must picks for basically every agent comp, here’s why:
    • Viper can divide all the various open spaces to minimize the number of possible angles and denies vision for enemy Operator players
    • Also, she can basically play B site by herself on defender side
    • Jett is the best agent for agile Operator use → Operator OP on Breeze
    • The underlying strengths of Jett (Dashing into sites, smoking to cross line-of-sights, etc.) can shine on Breeze in particular

Based on this Breeze Agent Tier List, we also provide you with our favorite agent comp for the map based on our predictions.

Valorant Breeze Map Agent team comp

Jett – Viper – Skye

The core of our agent comp is a well-balanced mix of Entry and Support based on Breeze’s layout.

We already explained our motivations to think that Viper and Jett will be must-picks on the new map in the future. Skye is a great addition to the comp to provide healing, information and flashes.

Since we don’t have an Omen in our comp, we are reliant on Skye to flash the enemies in most scenarios.


Sova’s Recon Bolt is one of the only possible ways to clear several positions at the same time.

Because Breeze is such a spacious map and there are a lot of different possible angles, Sova will be a valuable pick on the newest map in the map pool, too.

The real challenge will be to sort out all the different arrow lineups for each situation since there are no go-to spots that are able to reveal every single position in the respective area.


The last slot in our agent comp is really up to you.

We decided on Raze to take that remaining slot because we feel like she can close gaps and decide rounds on herself with her admittedly selfish utility kit.

For example, Yoru could be really good on Breeze due to the map’s spacious nature. Maybe he’ll finally be seen more often in the future because his kit actually became insane after the recent buffs.

For more map insights, head to our Valorant Maps feature. To keep up with our updated recommended agent comps, head to our Valorant Agent Tier List.

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